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Ocula’s AI platform predicts price, customer, and conversion optimisations in real-time on numerous DTC and ecommerce sites.


We enable clients to transform their sales uplift (20%+), conversion rate (3-4x increase), and marketing spend (30%+ reduction) fast.

Growth Modules

Delivering game-changing insights

Customer Intelligence

Our Customer Intelligence insight module helps you understand who are the most important customers and what matters to them

Know your most valuable segments

  • We show you the customer group(s) with the greatest opportunity
  • Factor in headroom for growth, churn risk and predicted lifetime spend
  • Export segments to systems like CRM for follow up

Target the right customers

  • Clearly see the customer segments most relevant for any of your products or categories
  • Enables customer-centric category marketing

Personalise campaigns

  • See the most relevant products for each individual customer
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Price Optimisation (Sports)

Our Price Optimisation insight module gives your commercial teams clear ticket price recommendations to grow both revenue and attendance

Ticket pricing

  • Seat and tier level prices refreshed hourly
  • Multiple demand signals (e.g. from weather, web traffic)
  • Simple and easy to use interface
  • Publish prices directly to systems e.g. Ticketmaster

Seat allocation

  • Understand optimal stadium allocation of season vs. single game seats
  • Balance risk: safe, upfront revenue vs. potentially higher, more uncertain
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Rapid Insights

Our Rapid Insights Module gives teams clear actionable insights to improve their e-commerce performance

Attract more customers, more efficiently

  • Receive actionable insights on marketing opportunities
  • View marketing performance by product and category
  • Get performance change notifications across core KPIs

Convert more visitors into customers

  • Get actionable recommendations and examples to create best-in-class product pages
  • Easily see which pages to prioritise based on headroom for improvement and revenue opportunity
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Our Drive Platform

Effortless set up, deep intelligence